
Daniel Wellington, shoes & clothes

It's been a week ago since my last blogpost and I had decided to blog each day about something new but to be honest, I don't feel like blogging every single day. Mostly because I have so little viewers and don't really know how to make this blog more markable and secondly because sometimes when I get home from school or I have homework to do, I get so tired that I just don't feel like blogging. 
So, I wanted to catch you up with some stuff that I have ordered and some stuff I would like to order or that I think looks good. I know I haven't had a hottie of the week this week but a hottie will probably come up next week! 
So, I have ordered two shoes that I have really, really wanted for a long time and the first is..
WHITE VANS FROM THE VANS STORE! Click the picture to buy!
The second shoes that I have bought are...
WHITE AIR FORCE 1 LOW! To buy it, click on the picture!
And now to the stuff that I like! 
The Daniel Wellington watch for ladies & men! Love it. Click on picture to buy!
RL Polo T-Shirt! Click on picture to buy.
I was going to put up some more stuff but I have to go in to the city now, see ya! 
xOxO ~ Dee

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